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Circleville Hauntings
Welcome to my small town, Circleville Hauntings site. Believe it or not, there are more haunted houses in Circleville, Ohio than you think. Something that you may find difficult though, is proving that the place really is haunted. Some people may not believe you, if you somehow encountered a ghost and you try telling them. But why hide it if you do encounter one? Evedently, this ghost trying to tell you something! So find out what it is! Thats the whole reason ghost are still walking this earth. Either something still needed to be done that wasn't finished,or the ghost doesn't know it dead, or maybe the ghost lived there it's whole life and was murdered in the house or died there,maybe the ghost has come back for revenge! There are many unknown reasons for a haunting.We are the people who are need to find out why.